Thank you Lord for this ministry! Thank you Pastor Evans for this insight into the Word of God! Thank God for the Holy Ghost who quickens us to what we need to see and know and at his time.. What an exciting time to stay focused on what's happening! Thank God that he has kept me, up to even right this second! Thank God he keeps me looking up and looking out! God is so Good, all the time! God bless every one of you TP- ERS. Go to church and bless someone today!

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Amen, Chris! I look back over my life and know how unworthy I am, to this day. but the precious blood of Jesus covers us all! It isn't what we have done or what we may do...just all about Jesus!

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Truer words have not been uttered Debi!

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Amen Debi. I'm so glad that Jesus bore the cross for us. I thank him for his ultimate sacrifice on that day! We sang at a church last night, the last night of revival, and the preacher preached a message like I have never heard of the sufferings of our Lord that he felt that day as he was making his way to calvary. What a price was paid for all of us so that we could go free! I love you all, my Tipping Point family!! May God richly bless each and every one of you today and always. You all are in my prayers. I'm so thankful for all of the times that you guys have prayed for me and my children. Thank you to everyone who has ever lifted my name up to the Lord.

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These times are surreal Hala but God sees it all and won't allow anything to happen to us that we could not endure with him! We are but dust and he knows how we are wired. What I have to keep on reminding myself of is the spiritual warfare that's going on. If I don't do that, everything seems so pointlessly stupid!!!!. I'm so sick of this earth life. But God sees it all and reminds me of his goodness and helps me plot thru this jungle minefield. God bless you Hala and you have a victorious day.

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I'm reminded of Daniel 7 where Satan is "wearing down" the saints of the most high. I'm thinking what Christians are going thru now from worry, stress, death, disease, persecution, is this just the beginning because God is really going to have to transform me to be able to take more if the heat is ratcheted up at all. I know heaven will be worth it. I'm just getting tired 😫 and "worn down".

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Thank you!!!

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Praise the LORD!

Can't wait, good morning TP family, I pray you all have a blessed day.

Thank you pastor Evans.

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Thank you for this article today, Pastor Jimmy. Thank you for explaining this so thoroughly and so well. I am humbled and in awe every day that my Savior would die for me, that I might spend eternity, unashamed, with Him.

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An extremely good simple explanation of sin in a Christian's life and our ultimate restoration to God. You nailed it brother. Maranatha.

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Thanks Jimmy E. This is so true. It made me realise how important it is for us to constantly talk to God about our ongoing daily sins so that we may feel that our slates are clean for a little while.

Thank you for always going into so much depth and caring for your brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s so lovely to be part of this international cowboy are trying their best to be committed to Christ. Let us put on the full armour of God during these times

Blessings to everyone part of our TP community it’s and that we may pray for future subscribers to this fabulous

Real and authentic christian meeting place.

Amen. Ingrid Burton Australia.

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Bless His Holy Name!

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Good word jimmy, I was blessed by your teaching. We must all be ready ,Jesus is coming even at the door. Put off your old clothes and put new one's Jesus did it for all us who believe on him. Praise God.

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I'm looking up!!!!!

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Wow! There have been many times that I have said "please don't say anymore, I don't want to defile myself. To the pure all things are pure. To the unpure, nothing is pure. I don't want to lose the purity I have left." When they continue to talk I walk away. Often I'm mocked when I do. The truth is that I've been blessed to lead a sheltered life. Although I've experienced a lot of abuse, and cruelty, there's something in me that doesn't read people's intentions, or see it coming. I'm so glad that the Holy Spirit now warns me of dangerous, plots, plans, traps and snares. Due to who was forced on me in my past I still am plagued by such things daily. I truly look to the Lord Jesus like a child for protection, and guidance. I have a ok, what should I do now attitude. I've asked why is this happening to me? The Lord Jesus gave me the answer. I asked why my life is so different from everyone else's? Again, He answered me. Knowing that I'm here on assignment and what my assignment is, why I'm enduring these tribulations and thorns in my flesh is helping me get through them. It makes me stronger when I see others living and enjoying their lives. I pray that this helpful to others.All praise, glory, and honor to You Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.

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I am fighting with this issue for a long time.

It says we are saved once we are born again, and I am. But I have so many sins in my life that I cant rightly say that I am wearing the full armour. Does this mean that, in my faith and love for Christ, rapture is skipping me?

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If you are born again, you will go in the Rapture my friend. Just like our salvation whenever we first received it, it’s by God’s grace through Christ alone ... from beginning to end. Just keep pressing into Jesus and ask God to help give you the assurance you need. 1 John 1:9

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Amen Brent.

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Bas, here’s the good news— we are all sinners and that includes Jimmy Evans and the other pastors here too. All of us struggle and fall short. As a follower of Jesus Christ every time you sin, seeking forgiveness to the One who gave His life for you— you’re covered by His mercy& grace. You will not miss the rapture. God doesn’t skip his beloved children. The Groom will not skip his precious bride— you. Your salvation covers your multitude of sins…. All of them. 💛

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Amen Kari, and those are shouting words! Love you dearly friend.

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When we are saved it's like we take off our sinners coat and put on a new saved coat. The new saved coat is big. We need to grow into it. Look to the Lord and Jesus, ask Him to help you feel the Holy Spirit that entered you when you were saved. He can help you change the sinful behaviors, and it won't be hard. It will be blessed. It may or may not happen all at once. Remember the Holy Spirit is Christ dwelling in you now. You are definitely saved. You can draw on the Christ in you to help you stop sinful behaviors. I'll be praying for you.

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Hi Bas, all of us who are saved, sin on a daily basis, no matter how big or how small. But the important thing is to also repent on a daily basis, or at least on a regular basis. And each day pray to God and make an earnest effort and commit to living each day as godly as you can in any way you can .. it may be showing or speaking kindness to someone; or being helpful; or going without something in order that a friend/family/stranger does not have to go without. In some small way try and be of service to people around you and keep loving Christ with all your heart, mind and spirit .. God will see your beautiful heart. GB

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Bas, google 'Christ has set us free from sin'. It will help you understand better.

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Oct 30, 2022
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Amen!!!! No skipping 💛

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Thank you so much, Pastor Jimmy! I really needed to hear this reassurance right now. Dark times for everyone. While I cling to our Lord for comfort and peace, I still look around me as we’re told to watch and wait for Him. What I see is terribly upsetting, sad, and just horrific while also being incredibly stupid. I continually remind myself that God is on the throne and in control.

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Good word jimmy Jesus is coming even at the door we must be ready at all times.im looking forward for the rapture to take place the world is in complete Chaos and becoming out of control so look up your redemption is drawing nigh

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Praise the Lord!

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Hi Debi, how is your husband and how are you? This community is praying for y’all 🙏❤️

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I am okay only thru the grace of God. My husband did not handle the first treatment very well and makes me wonder if they will offer another. He is weak and sick and hurts all over. He goes Thursday for a toxicity test to see how it has affected his kidneys and liver. He told me last night that he didn't know if he would make it but he did. It is one day at a time. Thank you, Blondie, for your prayers and I love you all!

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Praying Debi. Jesus hold him in Your arms that he may feel your power and love all around, and in Him. Jesus You are Healer! In Your name we pray. 🌻

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Thank you! God bless.

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Debi, while most of us don’t share his physical pain, we hurt with you both during this temporary season. Y’all are loved and lifted up to our Great Physician. Please keep us posted as best you can. ❤️

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I sure will. This TP family means the world to me! Thank you so much.

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Praying for healing miracles to cover your husband. I stand with our TP brothers & sisters praying for you. 💛🍁

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I'm so sorry Debi. One more reason to lift my Tipping Point family up to the Lord. There are so many who are sick and hurting. Love you Debi. We are praying for your dear husband.

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Thank you!

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Praying 🙏.

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Debi, I’m praying for your Husband to have God’s supernatural strength and healing and a special prayer just for you to give you comfort, clarity and peace. Being in your shoes is tough taking care of your Husband in this state.

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Happy Sunday TP family—We have family in town so had to wait to read today’s post. This was so encouraging… Jimmy Evans it’s amazing how you can write a post on sin and encourage us. I read the verse in a few versions and what jumped out to me was how much Jesus loves children. “For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” We talk a lot here about children being raptured and I believe this is just one more example why Jesus would never allow young children to suffer in the wrath. If Jesus was irate at the disciples for shooing away these kids— will He allow them here during the 7 years of tribulation? And, no idea why this is ever debated but when a child (under the age of accountability) dies, the child goes to heaven. I loved this version of ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬-‭16‬ ‭MSG “The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: “Don’t push these children away. Don’t ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.” Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them.”‬‬💛🍁

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Hi, I am sorry this isn't about this particular post. But I am wondering what happens after the Millional reign? I know Satan is loose for a period. But what then?

Thank you

Crystal Barnard

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Hi Crystal, Quick summary but you can read it all starting in Rev 21:7 it explains Satan’s final attempt at rebellion is quickly put down as God sends fire from heaven to destroy all the rebellious.

After that comes the Great White Throne judgment

Then the New Heavens and New Earth are created by God and the New Jerusalem comes down where we will live with Jesus forever ♾

Hopefully this helps, if not please ask if there are other questions. God bless you

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Hi Crystal, Pastor Greg Laurie recommended the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn— the book is awesome and discusses the Millennial reign in detail and New Earth🙌🏼… Brent was right on too! And Jimmy has a few past posts on the millennium, and they are fantastic if you do a post search in archives. 💛🍁

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I love the Heaven book by Randy Alcorn! Also his book We Shall See God is fantastic as well, just finished that one! It has sermon excerpts about Heaven from CH Spurgeon... it’s possibly my new fave book of all after the Bible

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Me too!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼

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Oh my goodness - what a magnificent teaching. That’s indeed a gem for me right now. Many thanks for that Ps Jimmy 😊🙏

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