I’m a actually rather surprised Iran took this step. For years, they’ve taken painstaking care to avoid direct confrontation. They’ve spent so much effort to built their nuclear program without direct exposure to Israel. Now Pandora’s box is open. Been following this today on. Amirs channel. Israel’s already stated their intention to strike back and bring the tough little brother in that neighborhood, they don’t bluff. But now, the US may well join a counter against Iran. And they’ve already been planning a strike for years now on the nuclear program. Now they have every plausible reason to do exactly what they wanted to do. Good things there are some Big Hands on this steering wheel.

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Yes, I’m following Amir as well. He is an accurate source of information. May our Lord protect them all.

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Me too, he’s beating the msm on news reporting by 30 mins to an hour sometimes

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I am following Amir as well. he just announced Red alerts in Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.......and the rest of Israel.

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Amen Justin. Praying for victory for Israel. God is fighting this war and battle. I’m finishing the Book of Joshua : where he led Israel into the Promised Land : and how God told Joshua that He would have the victory ✌️ and they did conquer those territories. Joshua had such great faith and believed that God would do what He said He would do. As I read this; my heart was so warmed and shouted Victory as the walls were torn down and the Israelite tribes were given their land by their tribes. God is so Good and never leaves us nor forsakes us. God is still on His Throne and rules and reigns over all. Be blessed and I enjoyed your post. 🙏🇮🇱

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Amen, Miss Gladys! I'm reminded of Ez. 38:4, Gen 12:3, and Joel 3:2. I'm ready right stinking now, as I know most of us are. Lord, please count us worthy.

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Thanks Gladys and I love that scripture and reminder you shared. We know the playbook isn’t too favorable for Iran for the end times so they are probably in for some tough sledding for a while. Maybe they will come to know the Lord if they wrestle with Him long enough.

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Yeah Justin I’m a little wide eyed about it too. But then I’m quickly reminded of the state of this sick world we live in and then I have this feeling of “it’s about time.” Why ? Because it is written! God has stated clearly in His Word what will happen in these days. I’m not afraid and I know our fellow believers aren’t either. May God’s will be done, as it assuredly 100% will be. God bless you friend.

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Thanks Jennifer and God bless you as well my friend. I was just whining yesterday about how long some things seem to have taken ha ha. So cool we have the playbook for this time. Enjoy your weekend 😊

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Yep, I’m right there with ya. You have a great weekend too 😊

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Let's go, sister! I'm ready!

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I agree Jennifer.... very good!

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Praying for Israel and joining my brothers & sisters in unity for protection and safety for the Jewish people and all that live in the areas targeted. 💙🤍🇮🇱

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That’s right Justin. It’s as if Iran is now saying to its allies “Ok, we’re into it now - come on in with us and join the ensuing hostilities”. As I said in another comment I made with this post, I’m kinda on the edge of my seat awaiting to see what transpires from all this 😳

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Me too. There’s a lot of gamesmanship at play. Posturing. We will have to see if the swings escalate or summer back a little while longer.

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Thanks for your coverage Jimmy! I have been following for about an hour now. Fox is covering it pretty closely, canceling all their regular programming and sticking with the breaking news in Israel. Praying for Israel’s protection. TP let’s all pray for Israel as they are now in the early stages of possible war!!! 🙏 We wait and see and cover the Nation of Israel in prayer tonight!! 💜🙏

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So grateful for Jimmy & Brian & Mark— we are all praying and waiting for updates. Fox News is reporting now. This is unprecedented action by Iran but… we all know how this ends!! 💙🤍🇮🇱

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Standing with you Kris in praying for Israel 🇮🇱 💙🇮🇱

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Amen, Kris. Whew what a time to be alive!

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Praying, Kris!

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Well, we all knew this was coming but we also know God will protect what is His! My prayer is more that the Jewish people will wake up and realize that their Messiah has already and turn to Him before it is too late! But I pray also for Israel and Jerusalem! Thank you Jimmy for keeping us up to date!

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Apr 13·edited Apr 14

Prophecy unfolding. Look up…lift up your heads……Oh Praise the Lord. One more prophetic piece of prophecy that puts us closer to the Rapture!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!! The Blood of Jesus covers Israel!

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Amen, Steve.

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Almighty God bless your people with victory and power to defeat those who wish you harm.

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Praying for Israel

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Family I feel it so strong! We are sooooo close to the end!!!!! Keep your eyes up! And listen to Jimmy’s latest A Good Word on forgiveness.

Forgive family! Forgive before it’s too late and you are left behind! Bless those who have offended you! Read “The Bait of Satan” chapter 11!

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I feel very strongly too Kellie about the Lord's coming being very, very close. I have for awhile and I have been warning others to get ready. I hope they listen. God bless all of you.

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Thank you for quickly getting information to us. Prayers go out to all of Israel. 🙏🏼

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Praying for Brian and his family and all of Israel

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Standing with you Donna in praying for Bryan and his family and all of Israel

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I keep thinking about the hypersonic missile that Iran has that can hit Israel in about 6 minutes. Wondering if the swarm of drones aren't something of a distraction and praying they don't attempt to launch that missile while Israel is engaged with all those drones. Praying for the people and the land!!

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God forbid

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Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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I am at peace about all of it. I will finally see my God and my King in short order.

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Prayers of love, support and God’s hand over Israel!

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Come Jesus come.

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Standing with my TP Family praying for Israel, and all involved to look to Jesus to fix all of this. I’m so weary of all this war. Praying for Brian and his family as well. Missed his reporting this week. 🙏🏻 🇮🇱

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