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This doesn’t surprise me. I wonder how many of us still believe in God but have quit going to church because so many of our big traditional denominations are endorsing homosexuality (in Austin last year we drove by the Methodist church close to UT campus and the pride flags were flying on their bldg.) some are even hosting drag shows, and it seems few actually preach on sin and the forgiveness of sin through Christ. So many today seem like self-help seminars rather than church. When the church itself is promoting sin where do we go? How do we make it different? Seems like we should try, but where do you even start when the leadership and power structures ignore the word in order not to hurt feelings here and now rather than worrying about eternity?

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In my opinion, when the other soldiers of the battle of fallen, we pick up the flag and keep marching forward. When there is nobody else to do these things, we become those things. And it is not about knowing all the answers or being all the things a pastor is. It is about consuming His Word, fellowshipping, praying and fellowshipping together. I think this can be done with home churches where we invite friends or acquaintances over to consume as much scripture as possible. So many people are looking. And our job should always be to point people back to the Word and God. There are many hungry people that feel as you do and are also looking for the same thing. He will be faithful to bless these efforts and draw certain people to Himself through this. There are also good resources to use for these for topics we don’t necessarily have all the answers for. Just some thoughts because I know He doesn’t want us to stop witnessing or fellowshipping. God bless you today sister.

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I get more weird autocorrect errors here than anywhere else, sorry about that 😂

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Did u know you can edit your comment? I have typos constantly 😅 Just click the 3 little dots next to your comment and un-autocorrect lol

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You are a blessed well of wisdom, Kari!🙏✝️❤️

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Thanks Kari! It won’t let me edit from the original input on the app. But when going back in by email notification, it will. Thanks sis.

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I'm old fashioned and still just work on the website. The app frustrates me when I want to read all the "new first" comments. I'm still on my phone, but gotta edit. :)

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I’m sure you can tell “edit” would be very helpful for me in many places 😂

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Kari, to me you are not old fashioned although there is nothing wrong with being old fashioned. I am the one who is old fashioned. I don't know how to do a lot of the loading sites that you and Dave do. You are a true blessing to all of us.

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I'm so glad you said that......It is nice to know that it isn't happening to just me :)

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Same! Thanks for sharing. I mean it’s not even close. I keep wondering what’s wrong with me!!!

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You bet brother. Sure is crazy. And the autocorrections half the time are sacrilegious in some way 🫣. Never happens like that anywhere else 🤔. Hope you are blessed brother.

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Amen Justin.

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Feb 5, 2023
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Amen sis Maggie.

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That sure is Godly wisdom there Maggie 😊

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Totally shocked by Amy Grant and Vince Gill

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We went to a United Methodist church for many years, and I could see that beginning in the late 90s. Now it's gone off the deep end. I left more than ten years ago and am glad I did.

Looking back, I think of my family's experience at this church when I read about the "falling away." I wonder how much of the "falling away" is due to what's lacking in the message of these liberal churches. I remember sitting through milk-toast, feel-good sermons and knowing something was missing. I certainly didn't feel the Holy Spirit.

Ironically, that church and another UMC church in our town closed their doors due to a lack of membership. The other church sold its building to the Bible-believing church we attend now, and we fill that building every Sunday.

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Wow oh!! WOW! That is terrible. I know of only one in Toledo, and its at a Luthern Church where the Pastor is gay, AND people still go to his church

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You are so right, Betty! It is really really hard to know how to combat these issues and to find churches that truly preach the Word. I have the sweetest pastor but he never speaks of what is going on in the world and how we should deal with it. Don't get me wrong, he preaches the Word but is scared to death he will step on someone's toes!! And never, never touches the endtimes! I am praying my heart out but so far to no avail!

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