Lord, bring my daughters back to the faith they were brought up in. As little girls they asked Jesus into their heart. They are falling further and further into the vortex of deception. Stop the free fall they are on. Open their eyes to see truth and come to a place of repentance. In Jesus name 🙏🏻

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My prayer as well for my two children. 🙏🏼

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My two as well 😢

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There are so many of us with children in need of this prayer that I will be praying this prayer for all our TP members who have children in need of it. May G_d's grace fall on them. May they each be open to the truth of the Gospel. May each of our children accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the Holy name of Jesus I pray his prayer. Amen. Selah.

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Amen sis Ellen.

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Praying for your girls and your son, dear Hala 🙏

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Thank you, Ellen. My daughter needs to return to the God of her youth.

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Thank you Ellen ❤️

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Still praying for your boys, Sweet Esther ❤️

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Thank you so much Blondie. You will never know how much I appreciate it ❣️❣️❣️

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Amen, sweet Esther!

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I will be praying the prayer for your two children too.

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Feb 5, 2023
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Amen, my 3 as well!! In Jesus name, Amen 🙏💗🌻

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Praying for your 3 children, Verna! ❤️🙏

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Thank you Jesus!! Thank you Blindie. God bless you sweetie.🙏💗🌻🤗🥰

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I pray a prayer for my children. "Lord Jesus, please open my children's Spirit's, eyes, and, ears to the Gospel, Your word, and Your Truth. May they accept Your love, and forgiveness. I pray this prayer in Your Holy Name Jesus." Amen. I've been praying this prayer for my children. They weren't even speaking to me. I haven't seen my son or daughter in 3 years. My daughter lives about 50 miles away. My son's back door is 1500' from mine. I'm disabled, bedridden, and unable to walk to his home. I recently began having brief conversations with them about once a month. I do mean brief. Less than 60 seconds. That's after no communication for months. I continue to pray that prayer. We PUSH, pray until something happens. I'll be keeping you and your daughters in my prayers. Yours in Christ Jesus.

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Ellen. When we experience this ... I can only imagine how God our Father must feel when we (His children) distance and even turn away completely from Him. He loves us so much and wants to protect us, help guide us w His word and commandments, have a relationship w us ... selfishly we do our own thing. As we grieve for our children ...we get only a taste of what Gods heart feels. 🤍

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I have talked about this with Jesus. After my divorce form my extremely abusive ex-husband, I was so damaged that I turned from G_d and turned to the world. I was seeking professional help, so I was in the process of healing. The thing is the world knew that I was of G_d and rejected me. I returned to G_d. Jesus was right there with His arms open to accept me. I was remorseful, repentant and ever so grateful. He has told me that I am to keep praying for my children with brief distant contact. I am to be prepared to welcome them as He welcomed me back. We are to concentrate on the joy He felt at my return. Not the hurt He felt when I turned away. He has forgiven and forgotten that. We are to do the same when our children return to us. It's never to be mentioned. Yours in Christ Jesus.

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I remember in one of Pastor Billy Crones sermons he said 'To not give up praying and sharing truth and the gospel. Bc if the tables were turned ... we wouldn't want anyone to give up on us'. That really stuck w me. Some days I feel so useless "just" praying, but then Im reminded that is all God calls of me, for now. The distance can be used bc then we get out of His way. It sucks as a parent though w these children we have invested so much in ... but then so did Jesus ... He invested even so much more for them. I'm preaching to the choir 😒

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So true my dear. Billy Crone is right, look what Jesus did for us even in our rebellious state. Thank him for not giving up on me.

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Feb 5, 2023
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I still drop nuggets of truth from time to time. The Lord is teaching me to love in action, not so much words. I honestly dont know how that works? But that's what I've been doing. Less talk more action. For example ... I've tried to be interested in one of my daughters interests such as sewing ... so I've pulled out my own machine and serger and even though I'm kinda past all this in my life now, I'm just doing it. My life after kids was totally on a different pathway until 2020 happened but that's another story. This is like "Ugghhh God. Really? I've been here, done that!" It's just hard when we're together and I want to listen to my Christian podcasts, ytb videos and there's that "unapproval" ... there's no spiritual connection. But if anything gets said where it forces me to stand up for the truth of the word of God, I will do it. My allegiance is to the Lord not man, not even my family. Our Christian pilgrimage is truly a learning process ... just when you think you've conquered the valley and up hill climb there at the top is another ahead of you. 🚶‍♀️ We can only do what we can do and try and be faithful to the Holy Spirit.

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Yes that’s what I love about TP is it feels like a family.. everyone lifts each other up when we’re down and encourages one another .. along with listening an praying for each other .. I don’t know how I ended up listening to Jimmy Evans… actually I do know 🙏✝️.. my father lead me to all you special people( God has brought us together at this time) What a blessing it is for us to be together at this time.. Keeping Looking Up!💥.. God Bless🙏✝️

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Feb 5, 2023
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Oh my, BordercollieMom. Thank you. I stand with you in this prayer! In Jesus precious name, Amen!!🙏💗🌻

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Dear Ellen, I’m going through the same thing with my daughters.

Although my daughters live far away in other states from me they never call me & occasionally I get a text message.

Once in a great while when I do get to talk to them it’s brief.

They view me as old fashioned & probably stupid.

I am also disabled & in bed a lot with pain.

God bless you & will pray for all of our children to be saved.


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As God said our Children will turn from us. Why would we think otherwise God's children turn from him. God hates Religion and Loves Faith. Sorry a building doesn't change the spirit the Love of God does and only the one who's heart God resides can decide to Love God or not. No building ever had power of God and Jesus hates those who miss lead.

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So true Gayla in this world today & so much antichrist evil.

However it does say in the Bible that if we raise our children to know God that when they are older they will return.

I’m praying for that 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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We love you Sheila. God loves you even more. We sure don't think you're stupid. You are right on and running the right direction. May God richly bless you my dear.

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Amen, Ellen!! May God bless your sweet heart Ellen. Praying for you and your children. Thank you Lord!!

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Feb 5, 2023
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Praying for them in agreement🙏

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Our dear Heavenly Father, please open up the hearts and minds of all our children and loved ones. Bring extreme healing to those that are suffering , sick and in pain. We are grateful and in awe of the love and grace you show to all your beloved children. Please hear our prayers dear Lord and cover us in your mercy, peace and kindness. Amen 🙏

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Amen Jessie 🙏♥️

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Amen 💗

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I agree with you and ask God to return to them the joy of their Salvation, according to God’s Word.

Psalm 51:12 (NKJV):

“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.”

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Thank you all I pray in agreement w you who are experiencing your children, spouses, family falling away. ❤️ 🤍 Lord hear our prayer for our lost loved ones.

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You are not alone; my little girl has done the same thing. My prayers are with you.

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I believe if they asked Jesus into their hearts as children. The Holye

Spirit is in their heart. God will reel them back in eventually. Jesus leaves the 99 and finds the one lost sheep. I worked with kids for years. Many asked Jesus into their hearts and were saved. There is nothing more precious to Jesus than a child receiving and believing him. Jesus said we need child like faith. Let the children come unto to me. Keep praying for your kids God's hears thoses prayers . If you have grand kids make sure they pray to ask Jesus into their lives. Does not matter how old they simple prayer from their heart God will honor . The Holy Spirit will enter them and save them. Bring the kids to Jesus. Don't count on the churches to do it.

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Amen. TY David 😊

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Amen !!

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Amen David!✝️🙏

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My little girl has done the same thing. My prayers are with you.

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Praying also for my daughters! I have recently reminded them that I am not their enemy but we do have an enemy that is trying to tear our family apart. Their hearts are so hard. Lord Jesus, draw them to Yourself, open their eyes that they may believe!!

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I join in agreement w you Diana. Lord hear the prayers of Diana for her daughters. Stop the evil that is trying to divide this family. Holy Spirit work in these daughters hearts and lives. Soften their hardened hearts. In Jesus name 🙏🏻 . I totally understand Diana 🤍

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Thank you BCM - I do appreciate any and all prayers. So many of us have wayward adult children that need our prayers. Father, I lift up all of our children who have strayed from their childhood confessions of faith in You and those who have never known you, who are blinded to the truth that the enemy wants to destroy them and our relationships. I ask that You draw them to Yourself by whatever means so that they can experience Your love and forgiveness and live eternally with You. Lord, time is short. Hear our prayers for our children to know you. Give us guidance in what to say and how to respond in every interaction we have with our children that they may see You working in the midst of their chaos. In Jesus name I pray! Be it so Lord, that our faith in You draws them to You!

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I have family members and neices and Nephews who are lost. I am with you I pray for them . I pray God will shake them up so all they can do is look up. I believe our main focus is got to be on Jesus. Just like Mary who sat at his feet. My main prayer is Lord make me more like you. Your the potter I'm the clay. I just rest in his arms . The fruit of the spirit is Jesus. Let God transform us into the image of christ. We just have to yield ourselves to his hands . I believe that during the 7 years of tribulation over 2 billion will be saved. Remember God's heart is that none perish but all come to repentance. He is going to do everything he can do to save them. Jesus said so the Gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth. I believe your prayers will put a hedge around them . When they see us gone and all that is happening. They will cry out for salvation. Not only that the angels are preaching the gospel ,144,000 Jewish Billy Grahams are preaching the Gospel. I think there will a great harvest and our love ones that we pray will either get saved now or then. Just keep praying to the Lord of the harvest.

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Beautiful words of encouragement David.

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✝️ 🤍🙏🏻

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Amen, thank you Diana. Praying for your daughters. My daughter has also strayed.

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Praying today for Turkey & Syria! So far, they’ve been hit with 3 massive earthquakes & tsunami‘s. If you have Telegram check out Amir Tsarfati’s channel. God has the whole world in his hands…. and it’s shaking! https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel/13508

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Yes. The whole world is shaking, and we are not surprised. Any country that stands against Israel will be brought down including the US. Praying for all to come to Jesus.

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Amen Debi!!!! I can’t even imagine the destruction & fear— all those precious children now completely vulnerable. Our comfort, any child under the age of accountability are now in Jesus’ arms. 💛

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So true! The earth is groaning massively. So much pain and devastation w so many lives literally lost. 💔 We ask Jesus to bring truth and comfort to the people in 🇹🇷 Turkey. Open their eyes to see Jesus is the only way. 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻

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Been pray for them since last night. It's heart breaking.

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My prayers are with them. How sad. We are once again reminded of biblical prophecy! The Bible said that there would be earthquakes in divers places. I watched the news and it told about the earthquakes and the high magnitude after shocks, but I didn't know about the tsunamis. How sad.

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Prayers out for all our children that has fallen away🙏.. in Jesus name Amen🙏✝️

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In Jesus name, Amen.🙏💗🌻

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We pray with you BordercollieMom.

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Will pray for your daughters.

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This doesn’t surprise me. I wonder how many of us still believe in God but have quit going to church because so many of our big traditional denominations are endorsing homosexuality (in Austin last year we drove by the Methodist church close to UT campus and the pride flags were flying on their bldg.) some are even hosting drag shows, and it seems few actually preach on sin and the forgiveness of sin through Christ. So many today seem like self-help seminars rather than church. When the church itself is promoting sin where do we go? How do we make it different? Seems like we should try, but where do you even start when the leadership and power structures ignore the word in order not to hurt feelings here and now rather than worrying about eternity?

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In my opinion, when the other soldiers of the battle of fallen, we pick up the flag and keep marching forward. When there is nobody else to do these things, we become those things. And it is not about knowing all the answers or being all the things a pastor is. It is about consuming His Word, fellowshipping, praying and fellowshipping together. I think this can be done with home churches where we invite friends or acquaintances over to consume as much scripture as possible. So many people are looking. And our job should always be to point people back to the Word and God. There are many hungry people that feel as you do and are also looking for the same thing. He will be faithful to bless these efforts and draw certain people to Himself through this. There are also good resources to use for these for topics we don’t necessarily have all the answers for. Just some thoughts because I know He doesn’t want us to stop witnessing or fellowshipping. God bless you today sister.

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I get more weird autocorrect errors here than anywhere else, sorry about that 😂

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Did u know you can edit your comment? I have typos constantly 😅 Just click the 3 little dots next to your comment and un-autocorrect lol

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You are a blessed well of wisdom, Kari!🙏✝️❤️

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Thanks Kari! It won’t let me edit from the original input on the app. But when going back in by email notification, it will. Thanks sis.

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I'm old fashioned and still just work on the website. The app frustrates me when I want to read all the "new first" comments. I'm still on my phone, but gotta edit. :)

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I’m sure you can tell “edit” would be very helpful for me in many places 😂

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Kari, to me you are not old fashioned although there is nothing wrong with being old fashioned. I am the one who is old fashioned. I don't know how to do a lot of the loading sites that you and Dave do. You are a true blessing to all of us.

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I'm so glad you said that......It is nice to know that it isn't happening to just me :)

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Same! Thanks for sharing. I mean it’s not even close. I keep wondering what’s wrong with me!!!

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You bet brother. Sure is crazy. And the autocorrections half the time are sacrilegious in some way 🫣. Never happens like that anywhere else 🤔. Hope you are blessed brother.

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Amen Justin.

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Feb 5, 2023
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Amen sis Maggie.

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That sure is Godly wisdom there Maggie 😊

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Totally shocked by Amy Grant and Vince Gill

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We went to a United Methodist church for many years, and I could see that beginning in the late 90s. Now it's gone off the deep end. I left more than ten years ago and am glad I did.

Looking back, I think of my family's experience at this church when I read about the "falling away." I wonder how much of the "falling away" is due to what's lacking in the message of these liberal churches. I remember sitting through milk-toast, feel-good sermons and knowing something was missing. I certainly didn't feel the Holy Spirit.

Ironically, that church and another UMC church in our town closed their doors due to a lack of membership. The other church sold its building to the Bible-believing church we attend now, and we fill that building every Sunday.

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Wow oh!! WOW! That is terrible. I know of only one in Toledo, and its at a Luthern Church where the Pastor is gay, AND people still go to his church

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You are so right, Betty! It is really really hard to know how to combat these issues and to find churches that truly preach the Word. I have the sweetest pastor but he never speaks of what is going on in the world and how we should deal with it. Don't get me wrong, he preaches the Word but is scared to death he will step on someone's toes!! And never, never touches the endtimes! I am praying my heart out but so far to no avail!

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Thank you for this Pastor Jimmy. It was a great surprise before church. People are falling away and their hearts are hardening so fast that we can see it happening. It seems like everything is backwards and is just getting worse in terms of those same folks. "Right will seem wrong and wrong will seem right"...

Have a great Sunday everyone!

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Great follow up and so true and so sad. Hope you have a great Sunday to my friend.

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Received my ‘Look Up’ book yesterday. I opened to a random page hoping to see the first thing I should know in my heart and it was ‘Our Identity as A Bride’. My heart is beaming with Gladness. Thank you Jimmy!

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Hi Angel, I’m sitting right now ready my copy too. I’m under the weather today, so I stayed home and reading!! 💛

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We’re praying for you Kari! Glad I have a sister from afar reading with me. This book reminds me of another book ‘Beyond the Rapture’ by Denny Bolen that I read last year. That book was written in 2013 and the Author mentioned that he didn’t see quite enough lawlessness to feel confident about being at the end of end times...if he could fast forward 10 years later to now...I’m sure he would feel differently. I love Jimmy’s incorporation of current events with bible prophecy and what we as believers can expect for what’s next.

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I got mine yesterday too! I haven't opened the package yet. I am filled with anticipation as I ponder what lies within. Yeah! Love all of you!

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Happy Sunday TP!!! Our Groom hasn’t returned for us yet, so we the bride, the church still have an important job to do! If you’re searching for a church that is alive, thriving and spirit filled— Don’t give up! God will direct you, even in these last days! He is faithful. 💛

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We have all seen this falling away happening, we are living in the midst of it. It is troubling and depressing if you think on it too long. When will it all end? Really hoping that God’s “soon” is relatively close to what I consider “soon”. Have a great day everyone. 🦋

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I think so. I think it ends with the rapture, at least the version we see. The Bible talks about a great host of people coming out of the tribulation and I think the events of the 70th week just won’t leave any room for doubters/atheists any more. Some may choose to reject it then but it will be only the hardest hearts and those willing to accept deception because of their love of iniquity. I have consistent talks with my older ones. Everybody is doing better, some more than others. But I never give in or let up and it is a steady, loving embrace of our King. And I think He is faithful to His Word that He has planted in their hearts long ago. I also see many messages directly from Jesus to people, including new believers, that He is coming soon and I don’t think it can be very long any more. We are also almost at the finish line for getting the gospel out to the whole world. My heart and mind are steadily preparing to change environments to seeing our King and His Kingdom and being so excited for that day. All of the old places and mountains and trips that used to be exciting are seeming to fade when I look upon them now, as if it is no longer their time any more. God bless you today my friend.

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Thank you Justin, I have been refreshed today because of you. I too am eagerly awaiting His call to come home. This is my Christmas nowadays, I can hardly wait, and even though I’ve never been the type to peek at my present before the appointed time….. I would definitely be ripping the paper off to find out when IF only I could!!! 😂 Thanks again for your post, be blessed my friend.

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Thank you sister and I am always blessed every day we get to be here and fellowship with each other. It fills a big and needed place in my life and is kind of like a lifeline of sorts, in a way. Praying you have a blessed week 😊

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Feb 5, 2023
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Yeah , thanks Maggie 😊

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Feb 5, 2023
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I would agree with him, based on what the scripture says but I don’t think you have to worry either. Remember when the Holy Spirit came on the scene? Jesus specifically said that the Holy Soirit couldn’t come to them until He (Jesus) had left. It was going to be His way of ministering these past 2000 years. Before that, people were justified by faith and still will be, though they still Have the benefit of Jesus and His testimony from His time here. Do t worry, He is always there for those really seeking Him. It seems remarkable to me that we see the Holy Spirit leave right before Jesus comes back to rake His place here again, permanently. One of the other big purposes of the Restrainer is to hold back evil on the earth. The tribulation will be the removal of that safety mechanism for that short time. But God will not abandon or forsake a single person that is to belong to Him. It may be a rough, short walk for many in that time but He will be holding their hand the whole way. 😊

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Amen Justin. This is good teaching and sound theology!

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Hi Hala, hope you are doing well and healthy.

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I'm doing good except for my fractured bone. I got the cast off but there is a lot of swelling in my ankle and my insole. You would think that I fractured that area of my foot instead of my big toe. Thank you for your concern. Blessings to you my friend!

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That’s a good question Maggie— we understand in this context that the Restrainer is removed when we’re raptured…. He’s holding back so much evil. But, I don’t know if the Holy Spirit leaves this earth… yet. Will it be possible for people new saved believers to be filled with the spirit. I don’t know? But they are his children and although they won’t be able to escape the seven years of tribulation, he will not abandon them or leave them! And He’s retuning again too!

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This is a good question to be answered by Pastor Jimmy or Pastor Mark 🙂

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It makes perfect sense to all God fearing, living and breathing followers of Jesus Christ. When we see churches going woke and spewing everything non-biblical it's the elephant in the room that's crowding out the only thing that can save their soul!The never ending thing we have to remind ourselves is this war is spiritual and stay on the narrow path! God is committed to keeping us in his hand praise the living God! Later kids! ...going to church ⛪

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Thank you Pastor Jimmy, this is heartbreaking to witness. I am so grateful my grown children love Jesus more than anything however our family situation is different. We were dropped to our knees (our youngest son’s passing) to get where we all are now. As much as this life hurts, I am incredibly grateful we all belong to Jesus and cannot wait to be Raptured home. I will be praying for all of the parents here in the TP family for their grown children to turn back to Christ. ❤️🙏🏼

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Beautiful Jacci💛

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Thank you friend. ❤️

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Thank you Jacci!

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In my small hometown there was 2 scandals from a pastor. I remember being in shock when it happened, 20+ years ago. And today, sadly I am not shocked. I understand why people loose faith in the church. I don’t agree, you do not make a judgment on the whole on part of the fallen. There are good churches, there still good pastors. This where you need discernment. The Holy Spirit will tell you something is not right. We need to fight for the Churches that do teach The Word, teach the truth. I respect to the ones who do not concern themselves about “offending “ with truth through love. Jesus is coming back! I visited a church years ago, and this young woman going through a divorce was there. It was mentioned in whispers that she shouldn’t be there at this womans event because of that. It was against their doctrine. I was confused, shocked. This church has a famous pastor. I never went back, I don’t watch him on tv or buy his books, support him in any way. We all have fallen short, all of us! But by His GRACE we have hope! When we fall we need our church for support and love. With the scandals, especially with minors. They do need to answer to the law. But they need prayers also! No one is ever too far gone for Him!

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Our Church is growing in our community and prayers and discipling our young people are a big part of it. Fasting and praying for our lost in our community and getting involved within our community outreach are another factor but I also see the cultural pull too that tries to steal, rob and destroy believers once they become alienated too. Pray for our Pastors and our Churches. know they have a spiritual target on their backs. Share your testimonies, people are spiritually hungry right now. I’m joining you in prayer for your Daughters to make prodigal returns in their faith.

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Amen!!!! We are still here— we are the church! 💛

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Last week my husband and I saw the last two episodes of “The Chosen” in the theater. OH MY is all I will say for now and what a blessing! My husband who has not engaged watching this with me was in awe and still continues to talk about it. 😊

I became excited to see the “Jesus Revolution” coming out at the end of February. I pray this movie starts a spark to get a fire going!

In the 1970s, Greg Laurie and a sea of young people descend on sunny Southern California to redefine truth through all means of liberation. Inadvertently, Laurie meets a charismatic street preacher and a pastor who open the doors to a church to a stream of wandering youth. What unfolds is a counterculture movement that becomes the greatest spiritual awakening in American history.

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Oooh Kim...glad you mentioned this movie. I can't wait to see this! Yeah!

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Thirty years ago, I could barely find a person who didn’t believe or have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Today…. I can barely find a person who believes in Jesus or knows who he is. I make it a point every day to witness to someone of the love of Jesus. Most have no interest in hearing. I NEVER leave a conversation without wishing them a blessed day.

I’m in communication with many people and most profess some form of religion but having a zero relationship with God and their beliefs are contrary to the Bible. The majority believes we sin every day and it’s okay to abandon the Ten Commandments.

I have a suspicion the percentage of true Bible believing people is a lot less than any poll or study shows. I’ve taken a poll of my own and asked many people if they ever think about Jesus. Once in a while I find one who does. In my spirit, I weep and ask God to forgive us.

I think the apostasy is greater than we can imagine. I so long to go HOME♥️♥️♥️

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We pray that our children and our families and loved ones and those that have fallen away, that you will grant them repentance that they might come to their senses and escape out of the snare of the devil that's trying to take them captive to do his will! In Jesus Name

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Amen Jimmy, it saddens our hearts to see our children in that generation of time who have left the faith. My twins haven't been to church since they graduated high school. My son hasn't taken his children to church in a long time. Sad part of this is, those young adults who have children and don't attend church themselves are setting their children up for the fall. How sad this is. Truthfully, most grandparents are raising their grandchildren now. I wonder how many of them are taking their grandkids to church? It is very important for us to raise our children in church and teach them the ways of the Lord. I truly believe that is why there is so much crime now. We are witnessing with our own eyes what Satan has in store for our children. The love of many has waxed cold and we see evil abound on every hand. I am so thankful there are still a few who will preach and teach the truth no matter the cost. One day soon, we will witness what we have longed for all of our lives, the coming of the Lord. God bless you pastor Jimmy, and those who teach the truth on your platform. Many blessings to all of my brothers and sisters on here. Love every one of you.

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Amen Hala! Prayers for your adult children and grandchildren. 🙏

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The first big point that hit me was that the 3rd Temple is to be built. The 3rd temple is getting ready to be built soon. The falling away of Christians is taking place. So how far can we be from being betrayed and turned over to death? How far can we from the abomination of desolation? How far can we be from the return of our Lord Jesus Christ for us? If we know and believe what our end is after this life, we have no fear of this life ending. That's what the early Christians believed as the died martyrs. We to need to cling to Christ now and even more as times become more difficult. Yours in Christ Jesus.

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All is falling into place.

We see these events and should look up but double down on our prayers for our family and friends to be saved. Share your story and that will speak volumes to the lost.

We are the hands and feet of Jesus!

Get a move on.

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Amen Tami.

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