In my small hometown there was 2 scandals from a pastor. I remember being in shock when it happened, 20+ years ago. And today, sadly I am not shocked. I understand why people loose faith in the church. I don’t agree, you do not make a judgment on the whole on part of the fallen. There are good churches, there still good pastors. This whe…
In my small hometown there was 2 scandals from a pastor. I remember being in shock when it happened, 20+ years ago. And today, sadly I am not shocked. I understand why people loose faith in the church. I don’t agree, you do not make a judgment on the whole on part of the fallen. There are good churches, there still good pastors. This where you need discernment. The Holy Spirit will tell you something is not right. We need to fight for the Churches that do teach The Word, teach the truth. I respect to the ones who do not concern themselves about “offending “ with truth through love. Jesus is coming back! I visited a church years ago, and this young woman going through a divorce was there. It was mentioned in whispers that she shouldn’t be there at this womans event because of that. It was against their doctrine. I was confused, shocked. This church has a famous pastor. I never went back, I don’t watch him on tv or buy his books, support him in any way. We all have fallen short, all of us! But by His GRACE we have hope! When we fall we need our church for support and love. With the scandals, especially with minors. They do need to answer to the law. But they need prayers also! No one is ever too far gone for Him!
In my small hometown there was 2 scandals from a pastor. I remember being in shock when it happened, 20+ years ago. And today, sadly I am not shocked. I understand why people loose faith in the church. I don’t agree, you do not make a judgment on the whole on part of the fallen. There are good churches, there still good pastors. This where you need discernment. The Holy Spirit will tell you something is not right. We need to fight for the Churches that do teach The Word, teach the truth. I respect to the ones who do not concern themselves about “offending “ with truth through love. Jesus is coming back! I visited a church years ago, and this young woman going through a divorce was there. It was mentioned in whispers that she shouldn’t be there at this womans event because of that. It was against their doctrine. I was confused, shocked. This church has a famous pastor. I never went back, I don’t watch him on tv or buy his books, support him in any way. We all have fallen short, all of us! But by His GRACE we have hope! When we fall we need our church for support and love. With the scandals, especially with minors. They do need to answer to the law. But they need prayers also! No one is ever too far gone for Him!