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Dear Ellen, Iโ€™m going through the same thing with my daughters.

Although my daughters live far away in other states from me they never call me & occasionally I get a text message.

Once in a great while when I do get to talk to them itโ€™s brief.

They view me as old fashioned & probably stupid.

I am also disabled & in bed a lot with pain.

God bless you & will pray for all of our children to be saved.


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As God said our Children will turn from us. Why would we think otherwise God's children turn from him. God hates Religion and Loves Faith. Sorry a building doesn't change the spirit the Love of God does and only the one who's heart God resides can decide to Love God or not. No building ever had power of God and Jesus hates those who miss lead.

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So true Gayla in this world today & so much antichrist evil.

However it does say in the Bible that if we raise our children to know God that when they are older they will return.

Iโ€™m praying for that ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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We love you Sheila. God loves you even more. We sure don't think you're stupid. You are right on and running the right direction. May God richly bless you my dear.

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