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I pray a prayer for my children. "Lord Jesus, please open my children's Spirit's, eyes, and, ears to the Gospel, Your word, and Your Truth. May they accept Your love, and forgiveness. I pray this prayer in Your Holy Name Jesus." Amen. I've been praying this prayer for my children. They weren't even speaking to me. I haven't seen my son or daughter in 3 years. My daughter lives about 50 miles away. My son's back door is 1500' from mine. I'm disabled, bedridden, and unable to walk to his home. I recently began having brief conversations with them about once a month. I do mean brief. Less than 60 seconds. That's after no communication for months. I continue to pray that prayer. We PUSH, pray until something happens. I'll be keeping you and your daughters in my prayers. Yours in Christ Jesus.

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Ellen. When we experience this ... I can only imagine how God our Father must feel when we (His children) distance and even turn away completely from Him. He loves us so much and wants to protect us, help guide us w His word and commandments, have a relationship w us ... selfishly we do our own thing. As we grieve for our children ...we get only a taste of what Gods heart feels. 🤍

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I have talked about this with Jesus. After my divorce form my extremely abusive ex-husband, I was so damaged that I turned from G_d and turned to the world. I was seeking professional help, so I was in the process of healing. The thing is the world knew that I was of G_d and rejected me. I returned to G_d. Jesus was right there with His arms open to accept me. I was remorseful, repentant and ever so grateful. He has told me that I am to keep praying for my children with brief distant contact. I am to be prepared to welcome them as He welcomed me back. We are to concentrate on the joy He felt at my return. Not the hurt He felt when I turned away. He has forgiven and forgotten that. We are to do the same when our children return to us. It's never to be mentioned. Yours in Christ Jesus.

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I remember in one of Pastor Billy Crones sermons he said 'To not give up praying and sharing truth and the gospel. Bc if the tables were turned ... we wouldn't want anyone to give up on us'. That really stuck w me. Some days I feel so useless "just" praying, but then Im reminded that is all God calls of me, for now. The distance can be used bc then we get out of His way. It sucks as a parent though w these children we have invested so much in ... but then so did Jesus ... He invested even so much more for them. I'm preaching to the choir 😒

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So true my dear. Billy Crone is right, look what Jesus did for us even in our rebellious state. Thank him for not giving up on me.

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Feb 5, 2023
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I still drop nuggets of truth from time to time. The Lord is teaching me to love in action, not so much words. I honestly dont know how that works? But that's what I've been doing. Less talk more action. For example ... I've tried to be interested in one of my daughters interests such as sewing ... so I've pulled out my own machine and serger and even though I'm kinda past all this in my life now, I'm just doing it. My life after kids was totally on a different pathway until 2020 happened but that's another story. This is like "Ugghhh God. Really? I've been here, done that!" It's just hard when we're together and I want to listen to my Christian podcasts, ytb videos and there's that "unapproval" ... there's no spiritual connection. But if anything gets said where it forces me to stand up for the truth of the word of God, I will do it. My allegiance is to the Lord not man, not even my family. Our Christian pilgrimage is truly a learning process ... just when you think you've conquered the valley and up hill climb there at the top is another ahead of you. 🚶‍♀️ We can only do what we can do and try and be faithful to the Holy Spirit.

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Yes that’s what I love about TP is it feels like a family.. everyone lifts each other up when we’re down and encourages one another .. along with listening an praying for each other .. I don’t know how I ended up listening to Jimmy Evans… actually I do know 🙏✝️.. my father lead me to all you special people( God has brought us together at this time) What a blessing it is for us to be together at this time.. Keeping Looking Up!💥.. God Bless🙏✝️

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Feb 5, 2023
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Yes, Maggie. I have a huge file for anyone that rummages through my stuff when I am called away. I am leaving the book from Bro. Jimmy about where have all the people gone. Along with a lot of info! We can minister from heaven!!!!

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I’ve got a big box too 😍

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Amen. Someone mentioned that to me a short time ago, what a great idea,!!, because after we are gone who's to tell them the truth. I also planned on leaving each of my g grands a letter for them to read after I am gone. Anything to let our children and G grandchildren to follow Jesus. All my 7 children are saved, some deceased, but I know I will see them again someday

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Oh my, BordercollieMom. Thank you. I stand with you in this prayer! In Jesus precious name, Amen!!🙏💗🌻

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Dear Ellen, I’m going through the same thing with my daughters.

Although my daughters live far away in other states from me they never call me & occasionally I get a text message.

Once in a great while when I do get to talk to them it’s brief.

They view me as old fashioned & probably stupid.

I am also disabled & in bed a lot with pain.

God bless you & will pray for all of our children to be saved.


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As God said our Children will turn from us. Why would we think otherwise God's children turn from him. God hates Religion and Loves Faith. Sorry a building doesn't change the spirit the Love of God does and only the one who's heart God resides can decide to Love God or not. No building ever had power of God and Jesus hates those who miss lead.

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So true Gayla in this world today & so much antichrist evil.

However it does say in the Bible that if we raise our children to know God that when they are older they will return.

I’m praying for that 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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We love you Sheila. God loves you even more. We sure don't think you're stupid. You are right on and running the right direction. May God richly bless you my dear.

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Amen, Ellen!! May God bless your sweet heart Ellen. Praying for you and your children. Thank you Lord!!

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Feb 5, 2023
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