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I still drop nuggets of truth from time to time. The Lord is teaching me to love in action, not so much words. I honestly dont know how that works? But that's what I've been doing. Less talk more action. For example ... I've tried to be interested in one of my daughters interests such as sewing ... so I've pulled out my own machine and serger and even though I'm kinda past all this in my life now, I'm just doing it. My life after kids was totally on a different pathway until 2020 happened but that's another story. This is like "Ugghhh God. Really? I've been here, done that!" It's just hard when we're together and I want to listen to my Christian podcasts, ytb videos and there's that "unapproval" ... there's no spiritual connection. But if anything gets said where it forces me to stand up for the truth of the word of God, I will do it. My allegiance is to the Lord not man, not even my family. Our Christian pilgrimage is truly a learning process ... just when you think you've conquered the valley and up hill climb there at the top is another ahead of you. πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ We can only do what we can do and try and be faithful to the Holy Spirit.

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