There are so many of us with children in need of this prayer that I will be praying this prayer for all our TP members who have children in need of it. May G_d's grace fall on them. May they each be open to the truth of the Gospel. May each of our children accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the Holy name of Jesus I pray his prayer. Amen. Selah.
There are so many of us with children in need of this prayer that I will be praying this prayer for all our TP members who have children in need of it. May G_d's grace fall on them. May they each be open to the truth of the Gospel. May each of our children accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the Holy name of Jesus I pray his prayer. Amen. Selah.
There are so many of us with children in need of this prayer that I will be praying this prayer for all our TP members who have children in need of it. May G_d's grace fall on them. May they each be open to the truth of the Gospel. May each of our children accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the Holy name of Jesus I pray his prayer. Amen. Selah.
Amen sis Ellen.
Praying for your girls and your son, dear Hala ЁЯЩП
Thank you, Ellen. My daughter needs to return to the God of her youth.
Thank you Ellen тЭдя╕П