You talked about China’s involvement with Israel’s issues. Here is some food for thought.
First, I would argue that WWII was Satan’s big push to derail biblical prophecy using the violence of war. Consider the exact mimicking of Japan’s aspirations in WWII with that China now has. China wants India, all of Southeast Asia, the Philippines,…
You talked about China’s involvement with Israel’s issues. Here is some food for thought.
First, I would argue that WWII was Satan’s big push to derail biblical prophecy using the violence of war. Consider the exact mimicking of Japan’s aspirations in WWII with that China now has. China wants India, all of Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and all territories between there and Australia/New Zealand inclusive...and, of course, Taiwan. It is Japan’s WWII aspirations, just swapping China for Japan.
Second, we have seen both China and Russia signing mutual defense pacts with that little hole-in-the-wall country of North Korea, as well as with Iran. The four countries have been characterized as an axis of evil by Congress with several stories and commentaries spotlighting their concerted interactions since the beginning of the year.
I would argue that what we are seeing is the fulfillment of Daniel 7 coming together, The Vision of the Four Beasts. According to the angel that spoke to Daniel about his visions, the four beasts represent four kingdoms that would come to fruition, after which would come the eternal kingdom of God. This I differentiate from the Daniel 2 "colossus" that represented four world kingdoms.
The first beast, a lion, I argue would be the British Empire. That empire was the first that followed the fall of Rome and its iconic symbol is the lion. It sought to be a world government, but never attained it. The eagle wings that Daniel sees that are plucked off (indicating a forceful removal) could logically be representative of the American Revolution.
The second beast, a bear, I would argue is Russia/USSR as that is the next major power to establish itself and which killed millions in its coming into being. Its iconic symbol has always been the bear.
The third beast’s identity is one that, only until this year, had not been recognizable. It is described as looking like a leopard having four heads and four wings. I am unsure of the symbolic nature of the wings, though if we assume that the lion is the British Empire, and the eagle wings being America, then wings may symbolize subservient countries that aid the kingdom. A head controls the body, so four heads would logically represent four rulers, which aligns with the “axis of evil” countries of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Each of the four countries are home to leopards.
Daniel does not describe the overall appearance of the fourth beast, although the description of its actions is thoroughly consistent with the antichrist as described in Revelation and elsewhere. “The Beast From the Sea”, as described in Revelation 13:2, is consistent with a compilation of the first three beasts of Daniel 7. “Rev 13:2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.”
If Daniel’s third beast is, as I postulate, forming before us, it is only at the beginning stages. Mutual defense pacts do not make a kingdom. The ten horns on this beast are of interest because we know from the visions of Daniel 8 that horns represent persons who exercise power and authority. In Revelation 13, the ten horns have crowns and the beast has added three heads to the leopard, possibly indicating the coming one world government.
You talked about China’s involvement with Israel’s issues. Here is some food for thought.
First, I would argue that WWII was Satan’s big push to derail biblical prophecy using the violence of war. Consider the exact mimicking of Japan’s aspirations in WWII with that China now has. China wants India, all of Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and all territories between there and Australia/New Zealand inclusive...and, of course, Taiwan. It is Japan’s WWII aspirations, just swapping China for Japan.
Second, we have seen both China and Russia signing mutual defense pacts with that little hole-in-the-wall country of North Korea, as well as with Iran. The four countries have been characterized as an axis of evil by Congress with several stories and commentaries spotlighting their concerted interactions since the beginning of the year.
I would argue that what we are seeing is the fulfillment of Daniel 7 coming together, The Vision of the Four Beasts. According to the angel that spoke to Daniel about his visions, the four beasts represent four kingdoms that would come to fruition, after which would come the eternal kingdom of God. This I differentiate from the Daniel 2 "colossus" that represented four world kingdoms.
The first beast, a lion, I argue would be the British Empire. That empire was the first that followed the fall of Rome and its iconic symbol is the lion. It sought to be a world government, but never attained it. The eagle wings that Daniel sees that are plucked off (indicating a forceful removal) could logically be representative of the American Revolution.
The second beast, a bear, I would argue is Russia/USSR as that is the next major power to establish itself and which killed millions in its coming into being. Its iconic symbol has always been the bear.
The third beast’s identity is one that, only until this year, had not been recognizable. It is described as looking like a leopard having four heads and four wings. I am unsure of the symbolic nature of the wings, though if we assume that the lion is the British Empire, and the eagle wings being America, then wings may symbolize subservient countries that aid the kingdom. A head controls the body, so four heads would logically represent four rulers, which aligns with the “axis of evil” countries of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Each of the four countries are home to leopards.
Daniel does not describe the overall appearance of the fourth beast, although the description of its actions is thoroughly consistent with the antichrist as described in Revelation and elsewhere. “The Beast From the Sea”, as described in Revelation 13:2, is consistent with a compilation of the first three beasts of Daniel 7. “Rev 13:2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.”
If Daniel’s third beast is, as I postulate, forming before us, it is only at the beginning stages. Mutual defense pacts do not make a kingdom. The ten horns on this beast are of interest because we know from the visions of Daniel 8 that horns represent persons who exercise power and authority. In Revelation 13, the ten horns have crowns and the beast has added three heads to the leopard, possibly indicating the coming one world government.
Like I for thought.