Brian Schrauger is a real journalist. These days, that’s saying something.

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So true Fieldofthewood!

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Thank you Brian, Brent, and pastor Jimmy, for this joint section! Thank you for this addition on the weekly program! I’ve now grown to waiting for it every time. I know it takes a lot for you to produce these programs and pray the Lord gives you strength and capability to do all that you set out to do. I enjoyed the story of how Brian ended up in Bethlehem in 2014 because of his so called singleminded piece of opinion. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for there is the kingdom of heaven!” Only funny that sometimes persecution may come from your “brothers”, not enemies.

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I really enjoy hearing what one of these men have to say and here we have all three! There are so mnay Jews returning to Israel today! Praise God for this wonderful sign of His people wanting to be where they feel at home. I was really glad to hear today in the news that Netanyahu is forcibly removing the civilian population to temporarily get them out of the way and expose Hamas. I would love to see our US Navy put a Mercy ship off the coast of Gaza and help the doctors who have so little left in Gaza to treat wounded and sick patients but at the same time send a message to the world that we are serious about fighting and ready to treat our wounded.

It is such a shame that the children have been taight to hate and destroy the Jews and with all the destuction this war has wrought, it is so traumatic for them and so easy to think that the Jews must be as the parents have taught. I would love to have them see the love of Jesus and the teaching of salvation. I can't imagine what it is like for a teenage boy to witness what is happening to his town and family and not think the worst of us. They have never know real love. That is so sad.

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Hi Sue, recently, Michael Mistretta, CEO of FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries) told how Jews in Israel thought that believers in Jesus hated them as a people. After experiencing the love of Christ in the form of Christian donations which provides bomb shelters, preschools, food, bullet proof vests, family-like housing for lone IDF soldiers, and much more, they know our love for them in practical ways. He shared their deep gratitude (and surprise) . My prayer is that many will come to know Yeshua through the love of His grafted in children-you and me. I hope this encourages you as it does me. 💙🇮🇱🙏

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Amen, Blondie❣️🍒

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I have been to Israel twice.

1. 2006 with leadership from local pastors in area I live

2. Joel Rosenberg Jerusalem Epicenter conference 2011

3. If I were to go again I would volunteer HaYovel

It is only since October 7 and through “The Israel Guys” that I learned of this organization. If I had only known earlier I would have chosen this type of trip to become familiar with the people and land of Israel. It would not be for everybody and they make it known, but my personality type it would fit just fine.

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Have been praying specifically that this very thing would occur in Lebanon now for weeks.

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I always like it when 3 people talk, with one heart and one mind and one Spirit. It reminds me of the Trinity. 💜

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I just love to hear from Brian. He has such wonderful info to share. Thank you for all you do to keep us informed about what is happening in the world and how it relates to the end times. God bless you all!

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Thanks! You guys hit a triple with Brent, Brian and you Pastor Jimmy.

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I always enjoy hearing from u, Brian! U r so well informed about Israeli history and the history of the Middle East, as well as world history! The understanding and insight u show us makes u an excellent journalist. And, of course, I love to hear what Jimmy has to say about the end times we r living in and the Middle East, as well as current news around the globe. We r so fortunate to have such people, as well as Mark Hitchcock, and today’s podcast included Brent! I loved your presentation tda. Enjoyed hearing about Brian’s time in Bethlehem when supposed “Christians” were persecuting him. I have my doubts about the Papacy and all the Catholic heiarchy being saved by the blood of Jesus alone.

Thank u so much for another informative and educational podcast! God bless Israel, her people, the USA, and our wonderful TP family❣️🍒

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You talked about China’s involvement with Israel’s issues. Here is some food for thought.

First, I would argue that WWII was Satan’s big push to derail biblical prophecy using the violence of war. Consider the exact mimicking of Japan’s aspirations in WWII with that China now has. China wants India, all of Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and all territories between there and Australia/New Zealand inclusive...and, of course, Taiwan. It is Japan’s WWII aspirations, just swapping China for Japan.

Second, we have seen both China and Russia signing mutual defense pacts with that little hole-in-the-wall country of North Korea, as well as with Iran. The four countries have been characterized as an axis of evil by Congress with several stories and commentaries spotlighting their concerted interactions since the beginning of the year.

I would argue that what we are seeing is the fulfillment of Daniel 7 coming together, The Vision of the Four Beasts. According to the angel that spoke to Daniel about his visions, the four beasts represent four kingdoms that would come to fruition, after which would come the eternal kingdom of God. This I differentiate from the Daniel 2 "colossus" that represented four world kingdoms.

The first beast, a lion, I argue would be the British Empire. That empire was the first that followed the fall of Rome and its iconic symbol is the lion. It sought to be a world government, but never attained it. The eagle wings that Daniel sees that are plucked off (indicating a forceful removal) could logically be representative of the American Revolution.

The second beast, a bear, I would argue is Russia/USSR as that is the next major power to establish itself and which killed millions in its coming into being. Its iconic symbol has always been the bear.

The third beast’s identity is one that, only until this year, had not been recognizable. It is described as looking like a leopard having four heads and four wings. I am unsure of the symbolic nature of the wings, though if we assume that the lion is the British Empire, and the eagle wings being America, then wings may symbolize subservient countries that aid the kingdom. A head controls the body, so four heads would logically represent four rulers, which aligns with the “axis of evil” countries of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. Each of the four countries are home to leopards.

Daniel does not describe the overall appearance of the fourth beast, although the description of its actions is thoroughly consistent with the antichrist as described in Revelation and elsewhere. “The Beast From the Sea”, as described in Revelation 13:2, is consistent with a compilation of the first three beasts of Daniel 7. “Rev 13:2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.”

If Daniel’s third beast is, as I postulate, forming before us, it is only at the beginning stages. Mutual defense pacts do not make a kingdom. The ten horns on this beast are of interest because we know from the visions of Daniel 8 that horns represent persons who exercise power and authority. In Revelation 13, the ten horns have crowns and the beast has added three heads to the leopard, possibly indicating the coming one world government.

Like I say...food for thought.

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RFK has a wake up call for all thinking Russia is the problem. Check put this truthbomb: https://x.com/dc_draino/status/1830335810350244208?s=46

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