Christmas music has been playing since before Thanksgiving this year. My absolute favorite is OH HOLY NIGHT!
But this year it won't be Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, All I want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth or Grandma Got Run-over by a Reindeer that makes you smile but DOLLY PARTON'S …
Christmas music has been playing since before Thanksgiving this year. My absolute favorite is OH HOLY NIGHT!
But this year it won't be Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, All I want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth or Grandma Got Run-over by a Reindeer that makes you smile but DOLLY PARTON'S "GO TO HELL!" I am not pulling your leg!
David is this your granddaughter's first Christmas? Aren't "grands" great? I have five and look forward to a "great grand" someday! Take plenty of photos as they grow oh so fast. My youngest, twins Myla and Miles are 2.4 months and a hoot! As s teenager I always said that I wanted twins, a girl and a boy when I married. God knew the desire of my heart but His timing was different than mine. In marriage I had three single births, boy, girl, boy. But God knew the desire of my heart and at 77 gave me my M&M twins
Happy 6 month birthday Grandpa's little princess! Her next six months will be filled with milestones. Sitting up, first words, pulling herself up in her crib, crawling and standing so get your camera out and take some videos.
Christmas music has been playing since before Thanksgiving this year. My absolute favorite is OH HOLY NIGHT!
But this year it won't be Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, All I want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth or Grandma Got Run-over by a Reindeer that makes you smile but DOLLY PARTON'S "GO TO HELL!" I am not pulling your leg!
Listen here:
David is this your granddaughter's first Christmas? Aren't "grands" great? I have five and look forward to a "great grand" someday! Take plenty of photos as they grow oh so fast. My youngest, twins Myla and Miles are 2.4 months and a hoot! As s teenager I always said that I wanted twins, a girl and a boy when I married. God knew the desire of my heart but His timing was different than mine. In marriage I had three single births, boy, girl, boy. But God knew the desire of my heart and at 77 gave me my M&M twins
Happy 6 month birthday Grandpa's little princess! Her next six months will be filled with milestones. Sitting up, first words, pulling herself up in her crib, crawling and standing so get your camera out and take some videos.