Pastor Greg, it's sooo great to have you back!! Love your message on marriage. I married my best friend 30 years ago.....we met when we were only 12 & 14. He's my best friend and I'm so excited to spend eternity growing in our friendship and living more extraordinary adventures. We've been in marriage ministry for years and there are a lot of people who have gone through really challenging, painful, or bad marriages that ended up in divorce. I know this message will be such an encouragement. Thank you for linking up the Heaven book by Randy Alcorn. It's one of my all time favorite books. I'm going to soak up these words today - "Every friendship and relationship that began on earth will continue in Heaven." The best is yet to come....💛 Love this version “Then I heard the sound of massed choirs, the sound of a mighty cataract, the sound of strong thunder: Hallelujah! The Master reigns, our God, the Sovereign-Strong! Let us celebrate, let us rejoice, let us give him the glory! The Marriage of the Lamb has come; his Wife has made herself ready. She was given a bridal gown of bright and shining linen. The linen is the righteousness of the saints.” Revelation‬ ‭19‬:‭6‬-‭8‬

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Here's one of my favorite Pastor Jimmy posts on the Return of the Groom from 2020 - https://endtimes.substack.com/p/the-return-of-the-groom and ... https://endtimes.substack.com/p/the-marriage-supper-of-the-lamb

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Well said! I've missed you, friend! :) I hope you are doing well! ♡

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Hiiii I’ve missed you! So happy you’re still here and popped on to say hi. Love you TX sis! 🤠🫶🏽

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Whew! Kari, I can feel it already! What a time!! Hallelujah! Rejoicing in the knowledge of what is to come!!! Whew! What a blessing the Lord is sending to me this morning!

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I ordered Heaven and the kids version too, based on your great reviews 😊

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Promise me you'll keep me updated. I took my sweet time reading through... it's just so spectacular. I've read the kid's version too. I love that Jimmy, Mark & Greg all share his quotes too. It's really a brilliant book and like a modern-day CS Lewis. Love ya & happy reading....

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Thanks Kari

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Marriage and Fathers have always been difficult subjects for me .... it was 15 or so years after I became a Christian that I could sit through a Fathers day sermon without running out of church crying....but God is good ....He took me through different lessons over a period of 20 years that got me to a point that I can now say without any reservations that I have forgiven my Dad and I love him with my whole heart...but in marriages growing up I never saw a good marriage or example of one til I came to church ....and again I wanted to run for the hills men were treating their wives with such love and tenderness ..men were crying and raising the hands in surrender to God.... a godly, elderly gentleman and The Holy Spirit kept wooing me back until I finally stayed for good.....but the concept of a man crying or being gentle or caring to his wife was so foreign to me ... it scared me at first and I thought the men were weak, I'm sad to say, but over the years it has become a great comfort.

I completely messed up my first marriage and after that failed marriage I remained single for about 20 years and raised my 2 daughters. I met a few men along the way but nothing lasting .Then one day I just said to God I'm tired of looking if you want me to be married you'll have to bring him to church and make it clear to me that you want me to be remarried... it happened about 5 years after I said that prayer ( I stopped dating ) I'd like to say its been all roses but we've had our problems nothing serious mostly communion ... I pray nightly for God to help me be a godly wife for my husband.

I want to go back to when I first began going to church about a month or so into my attending my church God whispered into my heart stay close to this one couple and so I did they became my friends, my mentors ,my family, and my example of a godly life and marriage ....she showed me how to be a godly women and how a woman should love her husband and children and he showed me how a man was supposed to love and treat his wife, ( not by words but rather by their example) they mentored me in God's word and if I went off in another direction than what the bible said he'd lovingly show me what was wrong ...but never in a harsh or condemning way. They've both passed now and I miss them so much every day. They were married over 50 years. She had a bad stroke 2 years before she passed and had to be in a care facility. For awhile he'd take her to church most every Sunday but after a while he couldn't any longer. And every single day from the first day of her stroke until the day she passed he'd go see her and spend about 2 or 3 hours with her in the morning then go home and come back in the evening and spend another 2 or so hours with her. He'd read and talk to her even though she couldn't communicate very well...sometimes he'd play his guitar and sing to her one of their special songs, he always referred to her as his bride... it was their wonderful devotion to each other ....they are together again and I know they're together in eternity ...maybe not in our eyes as we know a marriage to be but I believe something so much more

special that we don't even have the thoughts or concept in our minds to even begin to understand

what a marriage in heaven is like.

I think, John in Colorado, is right in that we signed a covenant with each other and God and God takes that seriously, but what that looks like in heaven, we"ll have to wait and see ....but I know it will be beyond our thoughts and imaginations

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Wow Miss Linda. This is beautiful. I had a whole bag of different feelings and emotions reading this. I relate so much to what you wrote because I didn't have that kind of modeling either. It took people in my church, and I'm not saying this because I am here on PJimmy's site, but his podcasts and sermons changed everything for me. Wait...God changed everything in me, but it was through those teachings and modelings. I think the most powerful part for me in what you wrote was about seeing men be vulnerable...wow do I understand how foreign that was to me as well. And that belief creates what is called a "double-bind" predicament for men where we are taught and raised to be strong and that showing emotion or vulnerability is a weakness. Yet we want to show our kids and wives love and don't know how to do it.

I was locked into that life for over 40 years and I am so grateful for God putting people in my life who taught and modeled for me who Jesus is. Now, I constantly seek out those opportunities to show vulnerability...especially for other men. They deserve to know that it is not only okay, but it is Jesus. Actually, I don't have to seek it out because it just happens naturally because God really does heal. I just wish that these were traits that were required to be taught all through school for children because if they were, this world would be so different because so many families would thrive.

That's why I am so devoted to the mission here and the mission of XO...because I know they are fighting for children and adults to be taught these very traits, and they will never stop until the sky is rolled up.

Thank you so much for posting your heart. It blessed me. 🤗

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Thanks for your openness and honesty Steve. 😊

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Amen Jessie.

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Hey Verna!! 👋 Thinking about you. Hope you're doing well. 🌼 🌸 🌻

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I'm OK. Just being quiet. How are you hon? How's the family?

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Were good. I guess we have our reflective moods and our talkative moods. ❤️

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What you have described has long been a desire of my heart. Most of the men going back in my family or wife’s family were hard men. Harsh, stern, rough. Some even abusive. God made me to be a bit different. Not any weaker or anything like that, still strong in a protection sense. But tender, compassionate, affectionate. Being willing to listen, serve, lay my life down to help others grow. At least these are goals I think about a lot of the time. There’s still more than adequate failure, but it’s important and to see my kids and wife grow up without fear of me. Hopefully with respect and comradery and being able to rely on me. These are at least my goals. Growing up or being married to a person of fear and dread is not a picture of God. Anyways, I really liked what you had to say and what you shared. These are important paths we try to walk on.

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You sure know how to articulate your words to make an impact my friend.👍

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Thanks my friend. My dad was an English teacher and he really got me into a lot of reading and writing when I was young.

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English was one of my best subjects along with History! I loved creative writing. I love to read also.

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Very nice Justin!!

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Thanks my friend.

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You are beautiful Steve. And we all love who you help us to be. God's truth in you is amazing.

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Thank you Miss verna, as are you in every way! It's amazing what god can do with all of us!

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Linda, Thanks for sharing and being willing to be so honest and vulnerable. Isn't it wonderful how the holy spirit can open up our hearts and minds and show us what a father, a wife or a marriage is supposed to look like even if it wasn't originally modeled for us. So many of us have dealt with some pretty difficult stuff like that and have come through strong and resilient because of it. And, the bible states very clearly that we will be married to Christ, not to our earthly husband's. It's comforting to know that we will still have special relationships with those we love on this earth but it won't be a marriage relationship. In the Mormon religion, people are sealed for eternity but this is not the case in the Christian religeon. Maybe Im not understanding what John in Colorado is saying? 😮 GBU 😊

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Wow, that's beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with us Linda. I'm going to hold that story in my heart today. Thank you for sharing it with us. God bless you Linda!!

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What a beautiful testimony Linda. Every one needs a mentor. Sadly, many homes don't know the meaning of true marriage. Even in my own life, I have had bad experiences. Trusting in self but not trusting in God, got me in trouble. So, nine years ago, God finally gave me the man that I was supposed to have. Every thing about our union was by divine intervention. And he loves me, truly loves me for who I am. We share the same likes. When God chooses, you can bet it will never be the wrong one. God bless you today and forever my friend. My T.P. family is so special to me.

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Hala, you are an amazing person. Your testimony shines through every word you say. You are a gift and a blessing to us all. God bless you !

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God bless you Mrs. Verna. I think of you often and wonder how things are going for you. Just know that you are in my prayers, my friend.

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You are in mine as well, Mrs. Hala. Every day. Giants hugs!!

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That was a really touching and meaningful share. Thank you for taking the time to share that with us.

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So happy to see Pastor Laurie on here today! Please have him on more often. Hes one of my favorite speakers. Maybe its the Southern California surfer thing.. 😄 Love him! ❤️

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I've often wondered about this and you brought it full circle for me! Thank you Pastor Greg!

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Nice…I never overthink a thing about Heaven. I’ve always trusted my Heavenly Father to have everything covered.

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Hi Esther - Glad to see you! Amen!

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I have a tendency to over think things, wish I was more like you Esther. Love you!!

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I'm posting this comment asking for prayer for me and my family. Please pass my name on to any prayer groups. I've been dealing with very strong evil. I'm a Messianic Jew. My Jewish family practices sorcery, except for my step mother and youngest sister. My mother is a medium minister. She leads them, seances, curses spells, talking to the dead, reading tarot cards. They all hate me. My mother has hated me since I was born. I have a auto immune disease. She casts spells against me that are so bad I'm now bedridden. The spells don't end there. Making things break to cost money. It goes on. My last contact with them was the words the Lord wanted me to speak. The Lord's message out of my mouth infuriated them. The message was " your prayers and offerings are like smoke and dung to me. Return me before destruction comes upon you." My family goes to temple on the Sabbath. My aunt was on the temple board. She read tarot cards in the temple. My mother has other gods in her home adorned with flowers and jewelry. When I speak with the two family members I have contact with I have to be very careful not to mention anything at all about myself. They use it as a conduit to make their sorcery stronger. I know that their power is a poor imitation of G_d's sovereign power. I know that enough sovereign prayer will block any evil prayer. Eternally grateful to all who will be praying. Yours in Christ Jesus.

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We dealt with curses and witchcraft brought against our family by a former pastor of a church I grew up in. He masqueraded as a pastor to do as much damage as he could to the church and it’s members. So I understand to oppression and opposition that has come against you. I would like to offer a prayer on your behalf. Lord God in heaven, we come before you to pray on the behalf of Ellen. Lord, protect her from the assaults of the enemy and the evil intentions of the people and spirits involved. Display Yourself as Holy and Righteous and Exalted before them. Rebuke the lies coming from them and expose them as the lies and deception that is powerless before You and against your anointed in Ellen. Restore her health Lord. Let their mouths be silenced in their rebellion against you. Raise up Ellen in health and strength and show Your standard against the rebellion of this witchcraft. May they see and worship your Holy Righteousness Father. Turn their hearts to repentance we pray Lord. Amen.

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🙏 🙏 🙏

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Amen Justin.

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Wow Ellen! Lord, today we lift Ellen up to you in a mighty way! Help her Lord as only you can! Sweet Jesus, put your loving arms around her and destroy the works of the enemy! We truly are living in a world where there are forces of evil! Lord we bind the power of Satan in Ellen's life! You said that what we bind on Earth will be bound in heaven! So today Lord, we bind his power in your Holy Name. We fight now against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. But Lord, you are even higher and Satan has to flee at the sound of your name! We love you Jesus and we are thankful for your constant love and support!

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WHEW it's good to see you back Pastor Greg! I was starting to worry that you smoked PJimmy at golf or something and he waxed you from TP. 😬

I don't know how to feel about this. I can tell you that if I see Gabriel making eyes at Tracy when we get there, he and I are going behind the woodshed. 😡And I think I can take Him because I am made in the image of God...he aint (I think?👀). 💪

Seriously though, I love this article. I think I'm like most men here that would never want to imagine one moment where I couldn't brag with pride that she chose me and witness all that I have fallen in love with that is her. But I also know that Jesus knows infinitely and amazingly more than I could ever hope to understand, so I rest in that trust and faith.

🤔...I hope God still gives us grocery stores in heaven. My favorite part of the week is pushing the cart behind her for hours. Now THAT is better than any view Montana has to offer!🛒🏃‍♂️💨😁

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What if you have been married multiple times?

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Tim, My thought is the relationships in heaven are beyond anything our human minds can comprehend and we won't have spousal ones as Greg indicated. It will be something far better than what we experience on earth even if you've been fortunate to have a marriage that lasted 50 years or longer... a marriage made in heaven so to speak... one full of love. Even those have their ups and downs... no such thing as a perfect marriage. Hope that helps.. just my two cents.

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Thank you, I wish I could have had a 1 time marriage, but it doesn’t work out that way for some. I have also heard zPastor Jimmy say that he would still be with his wife, that is unsettling for people like me. I agree with you, I believe we will all be friends but our groom will be Jesus, like you said far better than we ca comprehend. Thank you!

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Goodness Greg... You are buying a spot, sleeping on the couch for the next couple of months. I really wonder if your wife agrees with your views on this topic? The wife and I choose to view this topic through the character and promises of our God, coupled with scripture. One of the very first covenants that God gave us was the marriage covenant. At our ceremony, the wife and I took communion, sealing ourselves together "as one" for eternity. We both agree that our marriage covenant with God is for eternity, and we believe we will be tasked with eternal work and worship to our God......together. We also believe that God gives us the desires of our heart, and it is our desire to worship and serve God together. Now what does marriage look like in Heaven? I have no idea. Maybe there is no love-making..... but we don't care. The hearts of the wife and I are knitted together, and our love and friendship and our marriage relationship are far deeper than something physical. Of course, God can do whatever he wants, but the wife and I are prepared to kneel before God and ask.... "Father, we desire You to honor our marriage covenant for eternity." Now, some might argue.... "...til death do us part." But we plan to go in the Rapture and not die. Regardless, death is the enemy, and it will not 'trump' a God-given covenant. Marriage isn't just a gift and an institution... it is a covenant. Maybe some just want a friendship with their spouse in Heaven.... The wife and I want a marriage covenant.

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Hi John in CO (one of my favorite states:) I wrote out a comment to you yesterday and poof it was gone. lol I can tell you and your wife really love each other. I've never heard someone describe the marriage covenant with a spouse in Heaven like this before. Interesting thoughts.... I hope Pastor Greg teaches more about this topic. I also love how you and your wife talk about all this now... on this side of Heaven. I've been married to my husband for 30 years and we talk about how our relationship will grow even stronger and deeper and 100% perfect in Heaven (New Earth) someday. I believe we will know each other more perfectly than we could ever imagine. We also desire to be raptured!! It's incredible we'll have eternity with the ones we love and new friends too. I do agree with Pastor Greg and Pastor Jimmy that believers (the church) are His bride and someday we will be the wife of Jesus. Jimmy has several wonderful posts on the Groom and His bride. This is my favorite one - He shares specifically about the Galilean wedding. Hope you enjoy https://endtimes.substack.com/p/the-1-reason-jesus-is-returning

Blessings to you and your wife. 💛

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Kari, I grew up in West Texas and have followed Pastor Jimmy for decades and his ministry focusing on Marriage is outstanding. I also hold the beliefs regarding that the Church is the Bride of Christ. Really cut and dry… no debate about it. The Church as an institution will be married to Christ.

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You're awesome!! I'm a Texan ;)

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Thank you for sharing and defining this.

God bless you as you continue to minister in His name.

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Thank you Pastor Greg. It's been to long since we have heard from you. Thank you for the truth and joy you bring. God bless all this fine day, all the Pastors, and all our Tipping Point Family. Love in Christ Jesus.

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Thank you Pastor Greg . Love your posts.

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Thank you for this, I know my hubby and I will have a richer relationship when we both are in Heaven with our Lord and Savior. I am just curious though how Mark 10:8 plays in all of this, When we are married we become one flesh, does that mean we are no longer one flesh in Heaven?

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GOD is a Male, Jesus is a Male, I am a Male, explain how I am supposed to marry a Male plz. Plus I've divorced three times. Thx

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For some of us men, this is a harder one to embrace because of what you brought up. It is in the scripture but the nature of it isn’t from a sexual perspective that we are familiar with, but a spiritual perspective we are not yet familiar with. In the same way we haven’t met Him or talked directly with Him yet, just something we don’t understand yet. But His nature is Holy and pure and sinless, so it is nothing like male being married to male in our world. The church is always shown as female in the Bible and incorporates the whole body of believers. It’s something I have thought a lot about as well but just have to trust Him and His nature. There is also another reference of the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven, dressed as a bride, in Revelation. So a lot that we can’t imagine or understand on this side.

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Thank you Justin, your comment helps. As a MAN who takes being a MAN serious I don't like being called the Bride. I do agree that Up There with Jesus is something no one understands, Period. So when people are giddy about being The Bride I can understand the Women but not the Men acting that way. I will meet Jesus and he can explain if that is even neccessary. Take Care Brother.

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Hi Fred, I love your question and I BET one of the pastors talks about this soon. My husband and I just had this conversation yesterday reading the post together. I asked him ... as a MAN (he's a real man:) how do you grasp the understanding of being a "bride" too. We discussed this and how we can encourage other men to understand more deeply what this really means for a man to be a bride. Loved Justin's comment too. I hope other men jump in there and discuss this great question. One thing I can add... you will always be you, just the perfect you in Heaven. You were created a man and that won't change in Heaven. Of course, you'll be supernatural and resurrected, but still you. The book Pastor Greg links up, I encourage you to buy it. Heaven by Randy Alcorn. He talks more about this too. 💛

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Thanks Kari, my guess is our current understanding of what some things mean aka our words for communication. In Construction some would say, marry that roof on top of the other, just means connect the two. I think it means being connected, not our sense for being married man & woman. Just my way of dealing with it. Take Care.

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And you as well brother.

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Christmas music has been playing since before Thanksgiving this year. My absolute favorite is OH HOLY NIGHT!

But this year it won't be Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, All I want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth or Grandma Got Run-over by a Reindeer that makes you smile but DOLLY PARTON'S "GO TO HELL!" I am not pulling your leg!

Listen here:


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LOL! Merry Christmas Carol!

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David is this your granddaughter's first Christmas? Aren't "grands" great? I have five and look forward to a "great grand" someday! Take plenty of photos as they grow oh so fast. My youngest, twins Myla and Miles are 2.4 months and a hoot! As s teenager I always said that I wanted twins, a girl and a boy when I married. God knew the desire of my heart but His timing was different than mine. In marriage I had three single births, boy, girl, boy. But God knew the desire of my heart and at 77 gave me my M&M twins

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Yes... sure is. She'll be 6 months tomorrow. Will do. Wow, what a neat testimony. :)

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Happy 6 month birthday Grandpa's little princess! Her next six months will be filled with milestones. Sitting up, first words, pulling herself up in her crib, crawling and standing so get your camera out and take some videos.

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your comments and love ...

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