What a beautiful testimony Linda. Every one needs a mentor. Sadly, many homes don't know the meaning of true marriage. Even in my own life, I have had bad experiences. Trusting in self but not trusting in God, got me in trouble. So, nine years ago, God finally gave me the man that I was supposed to have. Every thing about our union was …
What a beautiful testimony Linda. Every one needs a mentor. Sadly, many homes don't know the meaning of true marriage. Even in my own life, I have had bad experiences. Trusting in self but not trusting in God, got me in trouble. So, nine years ago, God finally gave me the man that I was supposed to have. Every thing about our union was by divine intervention. And he loves me, truly loves me for who I am. We share the same likes. When God chooses, you can bet it will never be the wrong one. God bless you today and forever my friend. My T.P. family is so special to me.
What a beautiful testimony Linda. Every one needs a mentor. Sadly, many homes don't know the meaning of true marriage. Even in my own life, I have had bad experiences. Trusting in self but not trusting in God, got me in trouble. So, nine years ago, God finally gave me the man that I was supposed to have. Every thing about our union was by divine intervention. And he loves me, truly loves me for who I am. We share the same likes. When God chooses, you can bet it will never be the wrong one. God bless you today and forever my friend. My T.P. family is so special to me.
Hala, you are an amazing person. Your testimony shines through every word you say. You are a gift and a blessing to us all. God bless you !
God bless you Mrs. Verna. I think of you often and wonder how things are going for you. Just know that you are in my prayers, my friend.
You are in mine as well, Mrs. Hala. Every day. Giants hugs!!